About Gridmetrics

What we do

Gridmetrics® measures, monitors, and tracks the availability and stability of the distribution portion of the power grid.

By providing an out-of-band measurement of the quality and consistency of the power grid, Gridmetrics provides actionable power intelligence that can improve outage detection, power restoration, grid safety, and voltage variability.

Our story

Gridmetrics was incubated at CableLabs®, the leading innovation and R&D lab for the cable broadband industry.

Contact us

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Explore our full suite of power intelligence products


Automated Alerts for Power Events
Receive immediate notifications directly to your inbox about important power events in your area.


Asset Monitoring Maps & Alerts
Monitor your locations for active or potential power events.


Interactive Power Events Map
View a detailed, interactive map of power events based on your area of interest and time period.


Customizable Event Reports
Select your area and power events to receive automated reports via email at your preferred cadence.