
The latest announcements and updates about Gridmetrics

Building a Better Grid—Infrastructure Upgrades Require Ingenuity, Innovation, and Investment - June 2024

The need for more reliability and resilience of power delivery, both in the U.S. and worldwide, has utilities and grid operators looking for solutions to the challenge of bolstering the electricity supply. …Caruso said one technology solution could be Gridmetrics’ Power Event Notification System (PENS). “Gridmetrics leverages the existing co-incident broadband networks in the distribution grid to supply a continuous, constant and consistent view of the distribution grid. Gridmetrics’ PENS solution opens the door to utilizing the available broadband infrastructure to provide high-fidelity, time-synchronized grid visibility.”…

Sweet Watts Episode 3 - Vermont's Transmission Operator VELCO - June 2024

Discussion about the dynamics impacting the transmission and distribution grids as our grid evolves with IBRs (Inverter Based Resources), with a deep dive on the need for greater visibility of distribution grid behaviors. Nice shout out to Gridmetrics, and our project

Broadband May Hold Key to Solving Power Grid Issues - May 2024

Ideal Holistic Grid Visibility Graphic

Gridmetrics, a subsidiary of CableLabs, has pilots underway with broadband providers and power companies that provide an unprecedented look into the power grid.

It’s seen as a way to not only provide information to both the broadband operator and power company, but also as providing more use cases, including for electric vehicles as they become more prevalent. Earlier this month, Gridmetrics President Scott Carusospoke at power grid conference IEEE PES T&D about how such data could be used to inform optimal charging times for vehicles.

ESRI Highlights PRLB’s Use of PENS for Power Outage Insurance Claims Processing - April 2024

With Increasingly Volatile Weather, Insurers Are Embracing New Tools to Manage Losses

When a policyowner makes a food spoilage claim, analysts can utilize these resources to geocode the address of the loss, query outage data from PENS, and determine if there was a power outage detected by any Gridmetrics sensors in the area of the property. This ability to quickly view power outages across the US speeds payment to policyholders in need, while providing another layer of security against fraudulent activities.

Comcast Announces GOLD – AI Powered Power Insights from Broadband Equipment - March 2024

Comcast taps edge compute and AI to detect and localize power outages
…Gridmetrics has turned that data into a set of products to help entities such as public safety organizations, banks, insurance companies and assisted living facilities receive alerts on power outages so they can take rapid action.

Light Reading Podcast Features Gridmetrics' Scott Caruso - March 2024

Gridmetrics taps into the power of the broadband network
Gridmetrics’ Scott Caruso explains how the CableLabs subsidiary is using hundreds of thousands of node-based sensors to create a unique, hyperlocal view of the status of the power grid and how that data is being put to use….

UConn taps Gridmetrics data to boost community resilience in $4.4M US DOE-funded PROACTIVE project - March 2024

Gridmetrics Elevates to Esri Silver Partner - February 2024

Smart Emergency Management Begins with Power Intelligence

Buffalo Compute Graphics - DLAN & PENS - March 2022

Gridmetrics Press Release — August 2021

Esri User Conference 2021 Opening Plenary – Gridmetrics shoutout

Esri User Conference 2021 – Innovations of Note​

Exhibiting Esri Startup Program Partners: Gridmetrics
Gridmetrics offers PENS the Power Event Notification System providing near real-time status of power in the last mile. PENS is available as a live Esri Feature Service to easily integrate into decision support tools, situational awareness dashboards or emergency services solutions…